How we brand franchises
Brand recognition
Brand your packaging, your pens, gift bags, and boxes. Brand company vehicles, windows, and uniforms. Strategically place your brand in front of your customers with relevant products used in the right context to increase brand awareness, recognition, and trust.
Brand continuity
Reduce brand inconsistencies across franchises by hiring a partner who knows how to ensure your logo, brand colors, and product quality are the same. Your customers and employees will quickly recognize your brand at every location.
Brand culture
Reinforce your brand culture with uniforms that are the same for every franchisee. Provide branded company swag for employees to earn, purchase, and share internally and with customers.
Brand management
Get a branded corporate product website with select products, uniforms, and supplies to ensure that your franchisees stay on brand. Allow every franchisee to order from the same site with the same products and uniforms. This is a great way to manage your brand image.
Top franchise products
McDonald's Check
Women's Moreno Short Sleeve Polo
Easy-care Dress Twill Shirt
Micro-fleece Pullover Hoodie

Why choose Brandit to brand your business?
We get it. We know there are a lot of promo companies out there that offer branded products but we want you to join our tribe. We crafted this detailed guide to show you what you can expect from Brandit when you place an order with us. Download our Brandit vs Everyone Else Guide to see what makes us different.
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